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Upcoming/Past Performances

Sand Dunes

Past Performances 







Celebration Concert at NCKP Lombard, IL (July 26th)                                                                               Faculty Concert at Encore Coda Camp Solo Piano at Sweden, Maine (July 17th),                                 

Faculty Concert at Encore Coda Camp with clarinetist at Sweden Maine (July 3rd)                             

Tuesday Musical Association at Akron at St. John’s Episcopal Church (June 12th)                                 

Akron Summer Musical Camp Recitals (June 12th, 13th, and 15th)                                                         

United in Song! organized by Cleveland Orchestra at Severance Hall in Cleveland, OH (May 13th)   

Solo Recital for Middle Georgia State University at Macon, Georgia (March 14th )                            

Flight 88 – Quarterly Concert at Cincinnati, OH (March 12th )                                                            

Faculty Recital with Trombonist, Lauren Rudzinkas at UA, OH (March 17th)                                     

Guest Artist Recital with Tubist, Christopher Hotaling at UA, OH (March 3rd)                                  

Faculty Recital with Saxophonist, Todd Gaffke at UA, OH(February 26th)                                              

Convocation Performance at Akron at UA, OH (August 25th)                                                              

Performance with a Clarinetist, Christopher Pell and David at UA, OH (November 13th)                             Faculty Concert with Chris Blaha at UA, OH (October 16th)                                                               

Faculty Concert at Encore Coda at Sweden, Maine (July 7th )                                                             

Four-Hands Concert at KIN Experience at Montréal, Quebec, Canada (June 25th)                             

Tuesday Musical Associations Concert at Akron, OH (June 14th )                                                       

Akron Summer Camp Faculty Concert at Akron, OH (June 7th)                                                           

Fundraising Concert at Urban Artifact at Cincinnati, OH (May 31st)                                                   

Breaking Barriers: Korean Composers at Knox Church at Cincinnati, OH(May 27th)                          

Faculty Concert with Chris Blaha Westminster Church at Akron, OH (May 13th)                              

Faculty Concert with a clarinetist, Stanislav Golovin at Akron, OH (April 29th)                                 

Faculty Concert with Todd Gaffke at the University of Akron, OH (February 11th)                           

Royal Music Academy workshop/Recruitment Event (Jan 12th), North Royalton, OH                          

Concert Classical Revolution (December 13th), Cincinnati, OH                                                                 

 World Aids Day Concert at Church of Our Saviour, Cincinnati, OH (December. 1st)                          

Kenwood Senior Living Center, Kenwood, OH (November 15th)                                                         

Madison Foundation Performing Arts at Madison, Indiana (October 22nd)                                          

Concert Classical Revolution at Norwood, Ohio (October 10th)                                                           

Four hands Concert at Glen Senior Living at Kenwood, Ohio (October 8th)                                        

Beardsley Piano Competition Final Eckert, Indiana at (September 19th)                                             

Piano Trio Recital at Emery Hall at CCM, Cincinnati                                                                                     

DMA Recital in Robert Werner Hall at CCM, Cincinnati                                                                              

Accompanying Concert for a Diction Class at CCM, Cincinnati                                                       

Piano Recital at Marjorie hall, Cincinnati                                                                                             

Piano duet concert in Church of SaviorCincinnati                                                                                           

Prix d’Europe Semi-final performance at Chapelle historique du Bon-Pasteur, Montreal                    

St’ Andrew’s Piano Recital Series, Lasalle                                                                                            

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